This month I want to introduce you to Jessie and her amazing creative business BeauBottleTops.
“Incorporating freedom, self-discovery and a love of life and its intricacy”, Jess creates artwork that are “bursts of energy with the observer seeing what they wish”. Passionate about recycling and the environment, she accomplishes this using recycled bottle tops! But you have to see it to truly appreciate what she has accomplished.
Jessie creates pieces from wall art to cards and jewellery. She is open to commissions and you can see some of her pieces by visiting her website:
Q: Jessie, What have I missed?
A: I have geared my work towards positive affirmations and the importance of mental health awareness recently (within the last year) and it has become an extremely important part of my making process.

Q: How did you come about using bottle tops? Have you used other mediums as well?
A: about 8 years ago, myself and my family were going through a difficult time, a family friend (and artist herself) had popped over for a cup of tea with a gift for my mum from her travels – bottle top brooches filled with teeny tiny sea shells, she bought over some empty caps and said that getting creative would help us all through that period of time in our lives. BeauBottletops slowly emerged from there. Our family friend very sadly passed away a few years after that and it felt like a legacy I needed to continue. I studied art at A level, and struggled between choosing art or Psychology for my degree (psychology it was in the end), but I have always enjoyed working with all sorts of recycled materials, I love sculpting, upcycling furniture, decoupage and much more. I have worked in many different mediums, but I love the endless possibilities that I am presented with when it comes to creating miniature works of art inside bottle tops.
Q: How has your background in psychology influenced your artwork? What are other sources of inspiration for you?
A: Psychology and the human brain, emotions, behaviour and creative ability has always fascinated me beyond belief. For me, art and psychology are completely intertwined, whether that’s the therapeutic benefit that you feel from the act of crafting, or the messages that you can convey through your artwork, there is no separating the two professions. My dissertation was written on the effect of creativity on ADHD and how people can access their creative brain in millions of different ways. I draw inspiration from nature, mental health awareness, colours, food, the sea, family, the list is endless, inspiration can come to me in more ‘normalised’ senses, or in totally obscure ways.

Q: Running two small businesses must be exhausting, how do you look after yourself?
A: I used to work in social work full time and run BeauBottletops, I began making as a therapeutic outlet, but I decided that it was the part of my life that was making me happiest. I left social work and began to put a lot of energy into my art, starting @beaunaturalevents seemed like the next logical step, but I still needed to have a steady income, so I now work 4 days a week for a charity organisation in Brighton and Hove. This was the first step I took in terms of looking after myself and my mental health, I love my job, although it comes with its own responsibilities, it is not as demanding as my previous (what I thought was my life long career choice) role. I have the time and the space to use my creative brain, and really focus on what I love and supporting people through my art. It is still demanding, I rarely stop, I am always doing something! But I am trying now to take on creative projects that are totally disconnected to any ‘work’ like upcycling furniture for myself, or taking pictures whilst out waking, I feel this gives me time to breath, but I am ultimately still well working my comfort zone!
Q: What one piece of advice would you give to someone starting a creative business?
A: Be kind to yourself! Remind yourself daily that your artwork is making the world a better place. Don’t put too much pressure on these social constructs that are created around milestones that small business’ need to achieve. Do what you can, when you can. Take your time to create meaningful content. Be brave, be personable, art makes us vulnerable, we are showing a part of ourselves with every piece, let it teach you how to love yourself more and inspire others to do the same.
Q: What do you have planned for 2021?
A: I have many collaborations planned for 2021, which I am very excited about. A whole heap of new BeauBottletops products that have been whirling around in my imagination for a long time!
Getting to know you!

1. Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? I used to dance, I danced for 18 years and I am only now beginning to miss it terribly, I am hoping to take up adult ballet classes this year of possible!
2. Favourite way to relax? Sticking to a self care routine, sounds simple, but a bath and skin routine for me, and painting my nails! (They last about 5 minutes when I get crafting so I am forced to do this quite often!)
3. Guilty pleasure? That’s a tricky one! But probably binge watching an entire series in a day with my partner (we are apart due to the pandemic – so I’m not going to feel guilty for it when we can do it again!) it’s a guilty please for me because I am not very good at doing nothing!
4. Personal hero(s) and why? My mum and dad (so cheesy but true) my mum because she just faces every single adversity in life with courage and strength and she is the most inspirational woman I know. And my dad because I wouldn’t have my thirst for knowledge without him, I lost him to suicide a year and half ago, and that is where my quest to raise awareness of mental health through my work comes from. Some of my pieces are complex, and I question everything. I wouldn’t be who I am today without him.
Thanks so much to Jessie for sharing her amazing artwork with me and thanks to you for reading! Tune in next month when I introduce you to another wonderful small business!